游泳女選手意外走光 賽場撐破泳衣
Jaked高科技泳衣又惹麻煩了!但這一次卻並非是由於泳衣規格不符,而是游泳衣裂開一條大口子,義大利美女運動員芙拉維亞·佐卡裏(Flavia Zoccari)不得不用手捂著屁股,含淚退賽。
意女泳手高科技戰衣「爆胎」 (星島日報) 2009-07-03
地中海游泳賽周三在意大利佩斯卡拉舉行,但在一場女子組二百米決賽中卻發生「意外」,原本鬥意旺盛的意大利奧運女選手佐卡里(Flavia Zoccari),她身穿的高科技泳衣卻「不爭氣」,竟臨場「爆胎」,爆裂部位正是股溝之處,不但令這位芳齡二十二歲的女泳將異常尷尬,也令她被逼退出比賽,無緣奪金,伊人當場淚流兩頰。
泳衣爆胎露臀 意女將含淚退出 (明報) 2009-07-03
22歲的索卡妮(Flavia Zoccari)是意大利國家隊主將,她前天在祖家參戰地中海運動會游泳賽,身上價值3900港元(500美元)的「Jaked J01」泳衣,似乎難以承受她6呎高的健碩身形,竟然突告裂開,而且破縫正好處於腰臀的尷尬位置。她只能無奈決定臨時退出,坐在場邊時忍不住痛哭。她的戰袍由意國運動品牌Jaked生產,也是國家隊的贊助商;早前有法國泳手穿著這品牌的戰衣打破世界紀錄,但其後國際泳聯裁定款式和質料設計違規,Jaked 必須在6月世界賽前修改。
Top Italian swimmer in tears after being disqualified when her hi-tech skinsuit bursts open at the rear (dailymail) 03rd July 2009
It's the wardrobe malfunction to end them all.
Italian Olympic swimmer Flavia Zoccari was forced to sit out a championship race at the Mediterranean Games yesterday after her bathing costume burst open in a very unfortunate place.
Flavia, 22, was wearing the controversial £318 top-of-the-line Jaked J01 swimsuit when disaster struck at the Games in Pescara, Italy.
She burst into tears as she was forced to stand down from her race.
Jaked boasts that the full-body swimsuit - complete with back hinge - is 'more than skin'.
However the aerodynamic costume has been the subject of controversy after it was banned by FINA (the International Swimming Federation) earlier this year because it gave swimmers wearing it an unfair advantage.
FINA lifted the ban on the swimsuit a month later, in June of this year, after Jaked, which sponsors the Italian national swim team, protested the ban.
Zoccari - who is nearly six feet tall - later apologised for the embarrassing incident.